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Two Minute Tips


8-K Filings Guide: Introduction

When there’s news at a publicly traded company, there’s probably also an 8-K filing. These are the filings that many investors watch most closely, and

8-K Filings Guide: Kinds of 8-Ks

As mentioned in the Introduction, 8-K filings come in a bewildering variety. Below, we’ve identified some of the most common types that are the most

8-K Filings Guide: Tips and tricks

The 8-K’s strong suit for reporters is news. After all, companies use them to disclose (or try to bury) news of their own. With the

8-K Filings Guide: Traps and Mistakes

Most 8-K filings are pretty straightforward, but some can still prove confusing. Some companies bury important information, or emphasize the rosy and downplay the gloomy.

8-K Filings Guide: Resources

The SEC’s Edgar database is free and relatively simple. Start with the company search page to find a particular company’s filings, by name or ticker


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