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Two Minute Tips

Retail & Food

Use census data to cover Valentine’s Day in your community

Chances are your newsroom runs topical feature stories around each holiday. Census data can be a valuable tool to help you delve deeper and find more interesting angles for these topical stories.

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, we’ll use it as an example.

consumer reporters follow

10 consumer issues reporters on Twitter

Consumer products, trends and problems make for good local business stories, especially as retail heats up around the holidays. Follow these 10 national consumer issues reporters

Covering the Black Friday backlash

Recreational Equipment Inc. members got a surprising email this week. The outdoor outfitters collective, known as REI, has decided not to be open on the

Shake Shack, the new burger powerhouse

Wherever there’s a Shake Shack, you’ll find a line of people. Danny Meyer’s 71 upscale burger stands have drawn plenty of foodies, and now, they’re generating

Some Walmart stores are cutting hours

A number of big retailers have run into problems this year. Now, Walmart is cutting the hours at some of its stores. About 200 of

Disappearing restaurant cooks

When you dine out in a restaurant, you rarely think about whether it has enough staff. You just expect that someone will cook your meal,

The cheaper version of Whole Foods

Whole Foods wants to be cool. And it also wants a younger customer base. So, the upscale grocery store chain is going downscale — sort

The big problem of wasting food

During his show “Last Week Tonight” on Sunday, HBO’s comedy news anchor John Oliver put the spotlight on a serious problem here in the United States: food

Subscription boxes take off

Subscription services are the talk of the gourmet food industry. Customers sign up for a box that arrives on a regular basis, packed with ingredients,


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