‘Curbing Cars’, book by Micki Maynard published

April 15, 2014

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Micheline Maynard is Reynolds Visiting Professor of Business Journalism.

The most recent Forbes EBook is by Micheline Maynard, Reynolds Visiting Professor of Business Journalism at the Cronkite School at Arizona State University and a Forbes contributor.

‘Curbing Cars: America’s Independence From the Auto Industry,’ is the sixth book in Forbes’ EBook series.  Distributed by Vook for $6.99, the book looks at one of the biggest changes over the past decade: Americans are driving less, and fewer teens and young people are getting their driver’s licenses.

Maynard writes about how Americans are changing their habits and finding ways to drive less, in some ways what she calls “driving light.”

Curbing Cars explores a movement is brewing among cyclists, public transportation devotees and auto upstarts like Tesla and Uber. The next automobile revolution in America, according to Maynard’s book, may just be one with fewer cars.

Maynard is the author of four books, including “The End of Detroit: How The Big Three Lost Their Grip on the American Car Market.”

Forbes’ 2014 e-book line will feature several unique subjects over the upcoming months, including “How the World Changed For Millenials.”

In addition to being a Reynolds Visiting Professor, Maynard also writes for BusinessJournalism.org.  One of her most popular (sadly) posts is on How to Cover a Plane Crash.


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