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Two Minute Tips

June 2019

Be sure vendors have what they claim

A long time ago, I was in a software distribution business with a large audience of software developers and engineers. Much of my time was

The reporter’s interview checklist

Interviews with subject matter experts and “real people” give media coverage color and credibility. But if you only have 10 minutes with an expert, how

Finding business stories in libraries

As communities evolve, so do the libraries that serve those communities. Here’s a look at library-related business angles to consider. Library funding The current administration has not

A business reporter’s guide to zoning

Reporting on the changing landscape of your urban area requires a knowledge of zoning codes. Luckily, there are a variety of resources readily available to

Sourcing more diverse experts

Several recent projects aim to raise awareness about journalists quoting predominantly men. For instance, the Gender Gap Tracker has the goal of raising awareness about

Get productive (with some help)

Productivity gains have a widespread appeal. Get more done always sounds good. Getting a bit more critical, it’s not just getting anything done, but hopefully


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