Career advice

Person writing in notebook

Online data tools for business journalists

Data is something business journalists need to use, whether it is statistics about unemployment or information about company revenues. Sometimes data can be difficult to

Magnifying glass over piece of paper

How to fact-check your business story

Whether there’s been a rise in misinformation online or simply more awareness of it, one thing is for certain: news organizations are under more scrutiny

Man making funny face

Own your style but don’t get owned by it

There’s a level of writing development and individuality that many if not most reporters try to achieve—personal style. It’s a unique form of expression that

Trust is a the heart of the DOL's new fiduciary rule. Here are three big stories to develop for your readers. ("Handshake with smile" by Vilmos Vincze via Flicker, CC BY 2.0)

The freelance writers’ guide to networking

While journalism requires a certain willingness to talk to strangers and interview sources, many writers are introverts who’d rather not spend their downtime schmoozing. But,

Woman sitting down surrounded by bookshelves

The reporter’s interview checklist

Interviews with subject matter experts and “real people” give media coverage color and credibility. But if you only have 10 minutes with an expert, how

Three stopwatches

Get productive (with some help)

Productivity gains have a widespread appeal. Get more done always sounds good. Getting a bit more critical, it’s not just getting anything done, but hopefully

Dollar bills and arrow pointing upwards

Make sure the trend or event is really new

Trends are a great topic for any sort of journalism and are of particular interest in business. Knowing where companies and industries are heading, what


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