At the shooting at Seattle Pacific University, Seattle Times reporters made heavy use of Twitter for news, updates and photos. But business writers need their mobile devices, too. Here are the apps I find useful if I have to work on the fly with my iPhone and iPad.
Maybe commenters will offer some other suggestions. What tools do you like best?
- Twitter and/or Tweetdeck
- Camera and Instagram
- The Oxford Dictionary of Economics.
- The FRED app from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, an invaluable source of data and charts.
- Google Maps; Google Earth and Google Translate.
- The Kdan PDF reader, so you have instant access to those delightful economic reports, etc.
- Roget’s II New Thesaurus and the Merriam Webster Dictionary.
- The business beat glossaries from Reynolds.
- A stock market app.
- Voice memos and dictation.
- Evernote, one of the best apps for making notes, reminders, etc. and organizing them.
- On Apple devices, the Pages and Numbers apps. Pages can easily convert to Word. Numbers can generate charts.
Yes, a good old-fashioned reporter’s notebook is still a must. But these apps will make your job easier when you’re outside the office.