Amy-Xiaoshi DePaola

Originally from Guangzhou, China, Amy-Xiaoshi moved from the small mountain town of Lake Arrowhead and spent most of her life in Long Beach, California, where she got her undergraduate in English Education at California State University Long Beach then graduated from Arizona State University with a master’s in Mass Communications. As something left over from her English background, she believes in the importance of telling stories, particularly elevating the unheard and underrepresented voices. Journalism that only focuses on a certain mindset or group is not what journalism was originally built upon.

My Latest Articles

Grocery store

Ways to approach SNAP locally

Income inequality and food insecurity have been a long-standing issue not only for the campaign trail, but for many Americans. In 2018, 11.1% of households

Person writing on paper

A guide to for-profit universities

What are for-profit colleges and universities? For-profit colleges are operated by owners or investors versus the government, a religious group, or a not-for-profit institution. They

Abandoned and damaged buildings

The business of natural disasters

Natural disasters affect nearly 160 million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization. They include earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, droughts, floods, and more. As

Bill, account book, and calculator

Pushing dollars: A guide to zombie debt

The average American has “about 38,000 in personal debt, excluding home mortgage,” a $1,000 increase from last year, according to NBC. Depending on one’s age,

Mechanic fixing car

Reporting on the “Fight for $15”

According to a Congressional Budget Office analysis, the federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour for most workers. This federal rate hasn’t changed since 2009,

Lunch tray with pasta

Reporting on school lunch debt

A third grader in California recently made headlines for paying off his fellow classmates’ lunch debt of almost $76 with his allowance. While on the


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