Career advice

Reynolds reads: 5 questions with Adam Tanner

Adam Tanner’s newest book, “Our Bodies, Our Data: How Companies Make Billions Selling Our Medical Records” was released in January. Tanner served as a Reuters news agency correspondent from

Reporter beware: Many corporate surveys are created to amplify a marketing message, not to offer unbiased information. (Credit: Pixabay user andbreit)

Reporter’s tip sheet: How to assess a survey

Surveys and polls are regular tools of public relations teams. But it’s important to recognize that these studies are primarily created in a company’s own interest,

Busy execs get up to 500 emails a day; here's how to craft one that will get a response. (Image by "janeb13" via pixabay CCO Public Domain)

How to ask for an interview via email: 5 key steps

Most of us spend 28 percent of our workday on email—deleting, sorting or responding—so it’s an essential tool for business reporters reaching out to sources and editors. But

When hype gets in the way of objectivity, business reporters need to dig in. Photo "Digging For Information" by Alan Levine, Creative Commons Flickr user under 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) license, cropped

Skip the hype and dig into reality

Hype is a constant issue in business. Companies indulge in it. PR reps dole it out by the ladle. Markets revel in it. But hype

Twitter (Image from Pixelkult via Pixabay)

5 social media basics for business journalists

Today’s business reporters must be excellent writers, thorough reporters and savvy promoters. Many of us are responsible for pushing our work through social media channels to increase

Marilyn Geewax in classroom sm

The art and craft of business reporting

The craft of business reporting has evolved over the last three decades, but the challenge of telling compelling stories has remained constant, according to industry lecturers

The business profile reconsidered

It’s tempting, I’ll admit it – churning out the business profile. The itch surfaces on the occasional slow week, or the desire to diversify content and


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