
Train station in Berlin

How to localize export stories

Conversation about U.S. exports generally centers on large multinationals such as car manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies. But according to the International Trade Administration, small exporting firms account for

The composting industry has plenty of money story angles, jobs to corporations. ("Compost" image by Antranias via pixabay)

4 money stories in the compost industry

The feasting season is also the season for food waste. According to the Worldwatch Institute the amount of discarded food in the U.S. increases by

DOT steel workers

Reshoring rules: 5 questions for Harry Moser

Founder and president of the Reshoring Initiative, Harry Moser is widely recognized for his efforts to bring jobs back to the United States. Moser’s father


Reporting on municipal contracts

Robust business stories often start with contracts, but what’s the connection between contracts and business stories? Contracts reveal the DNA of a project whether it


How to find story ideas in municipal budgets

For reporters, budgets can be anything from boring to scary. They’re packed with numbers and technical words like “appropriation” “non-recurring expenditures” and “capital improvement,” also

City Hall

Good business stories start at City Hall

Business reporters are a rare bunch at local newspapers. Many papers no longer carry business sections, but this isn’t exactly new. As early as 2008,

Person focusing on laptop with Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram icons

10 government agencies to follow on Twitter

Government agencies offer great information, reports and official data. As a business journalist, or if you cover money in your beat, follow these federal agencies on


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