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Two Minute Tips

Sally Kilbridge

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Looking at a company's finances include tangible assets: PP&E. (Image by "Barescar90" via Pixabay, CCO Public Domain)

Property, plant & equipment

Property, plant and equipment is a large asset for many companies. Here’s help in analyzing PP&E figures on a balance sheet. The basics of PP&E

Farming plays a major role in many U.S. regions. These recent reports highlight some of the big topics reporters should keep in mind. (Image by "tpsdave" via Pixabay, CCO Public Domain)

Agriculture update: Six great reads

Farming is a vital part of the American landscape. According to the USDA, agriculture, food, and related industries contributed $992 billion to U.S. gross domestic product (GDP)

Company books and calculator.

Analyzing gross profits

Gross profits measure the difference between the money a business makes from selling goods or services (its revenue), and the cost of producing those goods or services.

10-Q filings tell a business reporter plenty about a company's financial health. (Calculator image by Alexander Stein via Pixabay, CCO Public Domain)

10-Q essentials

The 10-Q, a publicly traded company’s quarterly report filed with the SEC, is a multi-purpose tool. You can use it to break news, to get a

Reading a 10-Q calls for patience—and a highlighter. ("Pens at Work" image by "Jenny" via Flickr, CC BY 2.0)

Beginner’s guide to 10-Q

Like all corporate filings, the 10-Q tends to present company information in the best light possible. It is written by accountants and lawyers, which means

The auto industry is a never-ending source of business stories. These six articles will get you up to date before plunging in. ("Google Self-Driving Car" image by "smoothgroover22" via flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0)

Car industry update: Eight great reads

The automotive industry has never been a richer source of business stories. Driverless cars, millennial buyers and President Trump’s initiatives to keep manufacturing jobs at home

Knowing how to read a financial report is the first step in reporting on a business's health. ("Magnifying Glass" by John Lester via Flickr, CC BY 2.0)

Dissecting a financial statement

The first stop for a reporter looking at a public company’s financial health is its financial statement, easily found in its annual report. The three main components

Journalists head to a pair of primary online sources for information on company finances. (Image by Coyot via Pixabay)

Where to find company finances online

There are two main places to look for public companies’ financial reports and related information on the internet: the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) website and,

As summer travel season approaches, here are six must-read articles to inspire your own reporting. ("Beach chairs on Sand" image by "williamsthomas310" via flickr CC BY 2.0)

Travel industry update: Six great reads

As the year’s big travel season approaches, business writers looking for new story angles should read-up on the latest trends and predictions for the tourism industry.

Proposed tariffs on Mexican wares will have an impact on American purchasers—not just of pinatas, but big-ticket items such as computers and applicances. ("East Los Angeles" image by Ralph Hockens via Flickr, CC By 2.0)

How to localize NAFTA

Donald Trump released a draft of key proposals for renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement to members of Congress last week. It appears to strike a


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