Career Advice

The reporter’s interview checklist

Interviews with subject matter experts and “real people” give media coverage color and credibility. But if you only have 10 minutes with an expert, how

Get productive (with some help)

Productivity gains have a widespread appeal. Get more done always sounds good. Getting a bit more critical, it’s not just getting anything done, but hopefully

Make sure the trend or event is really new

Trends are a great topic for any sort of journalism and are of particular interest in business. Knowing where companies and industries are heading, what

people sitting at a conference table with laptops

Tips for reporting on conferences

Journalists attend conferences as professional development, as a way to stay abreast of trends in a certain industry, or to write about them. If you

The business of freelancing

If you want to freelance for a living rather than a hobby, it’s essential to treat it as a business. The tips below will help

Develop your personal theory of reporting

You spend years learning tactics, skills, strategies, ethics, and industries in business journalism. And they’re all necessary. But after a while, you need to develop


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