Search Results for: millennials politics – Page 2

The rise of young Super PACs

…the Millennials, in order to form a more perfect union, pledge to work towards a bipartisan future.” But will it get millennials active in politics? Only time will tell. In the meantime,…

Covering money and politics

…all politics is money.  Remillard: So what kind of money are we talking about here, Micki. Maynard: Well, when you talk about money in politics, there are two types of…

Hand typing on keyboard

Even millennials get caught in online scams

Clever fraudsters troll every age group, but tech-savvy Millennials are especially attractive to online scammers, warns the Scam Tracker from the Better Business Bureau(BBB)—25% more likely, in fact, than those…

Give us more transit options

New research is emphasizing how important it is for millennials to live where there is a good public transportation system, allowing them to live car-free. A majority of 500 students…

How cities are trying to attract millennials

We’ve already looked at the trend of millennials moving to smaller, less popular cities, but what are other cities doing to attract them? Across the country, it’s becoming more and…

Cell phone attitudes

…to 49. Seventy-eight percent of millennials approve of it; 82 percent of their slight-older counterparts say it’s okay. In a restaurant. Half of millennials think it’s acceptable. That’s 10 points…

two-story house for sale

Millennials are changing the economy of home buying

…Here’s the first of three stories in a possible series focusing on the home buying habits of Millennials that are changing the real estate landscape. Business reporters can develop this…

Why cell phones are fine

…only 47 percent admit to have made a call while they’re out. So, people other than millennials are calling millennials. Like their parents, perhaps. For story ideas, find some millennials

Young couples want cash as wedding gifts

…down on in the United States and other parts of the world. Millennials are changing that tradition. Instead of the classic gifts like china sets and silverware, millennials are asking for…


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