Tuesday's 2-Minute Tip

The best from the Reynold’s class of 2023

Every great chapter must come to a close and with the Spring semester at ASU ending this week, that means it is time to wish farewell to our graduate students. Before they head off to jump-start their careers this summer we want to take one last opportunity to highlight some of their best work this past academic year.

Janaé Bradford

A Chicago native with a passion for all things sports and an ability to produce stories that have a unique angle, Janaé has already jump-started her career as a producer. This semester Janaé has produced several podcasts for the Center while also covering a variety of sporting events for Cronkite Sports.

This summer, Janaé will be interning at AZ Family and then returning this fall to finish off her program at the Cronkite Sports Bureau in Phoenix before graduating in December. Read and listen to some of her best work below and keep on eye out for more from her here.

Francesca D’Annunzio

An investigative mindset is only the beginning of what Francesca has to offer as an investigative journalist. She is a storyteller, daring, articulate, and did we mention she speaks five languages?! We expect to see her work submitted for future Barlett and Steele awards as she continues to hold private companies accountable for their misdeeds.

Francesca will be graduating in December after working at News21 this summer and then the Howard Center this fall. Be sure to keep an eye on this rising star in investigative journalism.

Lauren Irwin

To say Lauren is a talented writer is an understatement. Lauren’s writing is compelling, people-driven, and so eloquently crafted that it’s hard to look away from the page. She has written some truly amazing articles while working at the Reynolds Center, which is only a drop in the bucket of the amount of writing she has completed within her program. 

This summer, Lauren will be in Washington D.C. covering the White House for the Cronkite News Bureau, before graduating at the end of the summer. Be sure to follow Lauren and what she does next.


  • As Assistant Director of The Reynolds Center, Julianne Culey is responsible for coordinating the daily operations of the center as well as managing projects with other Reynolds Center staff, students, and outside creative professionals. She works clo...

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