Micheline Maynard

Micheline is a contributing columnist at the Washington Post concentrating on business and culture. She has written about flooding in Detroit, tainted water in Benton Harbor, nationwide shortages of restaurant staff, and vaccine hesitancy.

My Latest Articles

chef plating a meal

Business training for chefs is on the menu

Restaurants are notoriously unsuccessful businesses. Two-thirds don’t make it to three years, and many cafes and bistros find that profit margins are notoriously thin. But

The cost of landing on a comet

Scientists and science geeks the world over got pretty excited when the space probe Rosetta’s landing craft, Philae, made contact with a comet this week.

Veterans Day, Nov. 11, is full of story ideas for business reporters. (Image by Jennifer1051 via Pixabay, CCO Creative Commons)

Veterans Day sales: Tribute or tacky?

This is Veterans Day in the U.S., known as Remembrance Day in Canada and elsewhere. Social media, radio and television abound with ads offering deals


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