Writing tips

Man making funny face

Own your style but don’t get owned by it

There’s a level of writing development and individuality that many if not most reporters try to achieve—personal style. It’s a unique form of expression that

Dollar bills and arrow pointing upwards

Make sure the trend or event is really new

Trends are a great topic for any sort of journalism and are of particular interest in business. Knowing where companies and industries are heading, what

Person typing on laptop with wordpress open on screen

4 steps for improving your blog posts

Contributing to a blog has become an expected part of a business reporter’s repertoire. You may be producing fill-in posts between your regular filings at

Big numbers are hard to visualize, but there are some easy tricks to help your audience relate. ("Calculus" by "fitrihandayani" via Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Making big numbers relatable

A calculator and some quick research can help you make enormous numbers more understandable to your audiences. Advertising research shows that millennials prefer a personal

up even the most meticulous writer. Here are common mistakes to keep on your radar. ("Question Mark Sign" image by Colin Kinner via flickr, CCO Public Domain)

Tricky punctuation tips for business writers

Even the most precise writers are occasionally tripped up by punctuation. That’s particularly true nowadays, when newsrooms are lean and reporters are often expected to copy-edit their own

Fewer editors in the newsroom mean that reporters have to step up their self-editing game. (Image from "3844328" via Pixabay, CCO Public Domain)

Accuracy checklist for journalists

Fewer copy editors in the newsroom—in fact, fewer editors in general—means that reporters must increasingly perform that function themselves. Before submitting a story or hitting


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