Small business

Graph pulled up on desktop computer

Covering local kid and teen entrepreneurs

With less demand for camp counselors, lifeguards, and other seasonal jobs typically held by teens, the summer job outlook for teens this year wasn’t exactly

Face masks

Covering local small business pivots

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many small businesses to rethink their business models. For some, that means moving their services online or switching to curbside

Holiday lights and ornaments

Localizing small business this holiday season

CNBC reports that major brands including Target, UPS, and Kohl’s plan to hire almost a quarter million (230,000) seasonal workers this year in preparation for the

Hand typing on keyboard

Summertime — and the scamming is easy

Consumer scams are on the rise. In 2018, consumer scams surged 38% over the previous year, according to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).Consumers shelled out $1.48

Map outlining zones

A business reporter’s guide to zoning

Reporting on the changing landscape of your urban area requires a knowledge of zoning codes. Luckily, there are a variety of resources readily available to


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